Thursday, October 23, 2014

Smmry of DDL

TBL (task-based learning) Task-based language learning is an approach which was developed in the 1980s by the Indian language teaching specialist N.S. Prabhu. TBL is based on the idea that the acquisition of language and linguistic competence as well as language and language learning awareness can best be realized through tasks which encourage the learner not to focus explicitly on the structure and the rules of the new language. AIM OF DATA DRIVEN LEARNING The principal aim of all teaching activities must be the creation of a learning environment in which learners are asked to carry out authentic tasks. Providing the appropriate data, organized into suitable units of information and supported by relevant processes must be the foremost task of educational design of any kind of language learning and teaching resource in order to contribute to the success of any learning situation. The traditional transmission model of learning must be replaced by models which emphasis information processing and knowledge construction as acts of learning most suited to the acquisition of the kind of skills needed for the knowledge society. In addition to the undeniable need to achieve instructional goals, the development of cognitive and strategic abilities suitable for the knowledge society is defined as one of the principle aims of a learning process based on knowledge construction and discovery learning.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Assure Model

My teachers were generally not very efficient in using the instructional technology and media. I can say this on the grounds that the only technological equipments we used were television, cd player and projector but its use was very limited. When I compare the instructional media that is used nowadays, I find our use of instructional media is very very sufficient. For example, we could use our smart phones or simply computers to integrate instruction and technology in a more effective way. I believe computer helps a lot for especially pronunciation. Hearing native pronunciation from online dictionaries, may help students to produce native-like pronunciation. These weren't included in our classes. If they were included, I believe our English lessons would be more effective. Other than fourth step, which is utilizing technology, our teachers were aware of the steps of the Assure model. They analyzed the students profile , stated objectives, selected materials,require learner's response and evaluate well, which in turn contributed to the effectiveness of the lessons.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Reflection as a Student

Where do you need to use of technology in education? Probably in everywhere but the language teaching is one of the most necessary area where the technology should be used. When I start to learn English as a second language, the only material I can define as a technological one is a radio that is used for listening activities by my teacher and projector time to time (when it is available). Although it looks insufficient, my English teacher was using the them effectively to acquire English phonemes. We were listening some reading text that were in our books as well and trying to match words, filling the gaps in the text or trying to repeat what we were hearing from the radio. It was fun and activity. All those activities were being done according to a certain system, I guess, which is the ASSURE model. My teacher was doing all the necessary procedures that should be done in the system. He was good at utilizing the technology even though he had insufficient equipment. However, I am not sure he was aware of existing such system.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chapter 2

We discussed the four different learning perspectives which are behaviorist , cognitive perspective, constructive, and social psychology perspectives. Although all these perspectives have their own advantages and disadvantages, the one that I think is the most efficient is the constructivist perspective. The reason why I think that way may be related to the fact that the teachers I liked very much during my high school years were constructivist and I think they were the best teachers at the school.

They were very effective teachers because rather than just lecturing and telling the students how to do things, they encouraged us to be active during the courses and engaged us in authentic tasks in meaningful contexts.

To compare them with the teachers that I had earlier, who were usually behaviorists, I think we need to look at the learning outcomes. For me, they weren't very successful at teaching. I didn't learn much from that teachers because I need to be active during the classes in order for learning to occur. From the constructivist teachers, however, I learned a lot. Because we were all involved in the lesson and we were doing tasks that are related to real life problems, the learning occurred without even realizing that we were learning something.

Now that I am a teacher-in-training, I am trying to prepare myself becoming a constructivist teacher as well. The only difference between my high school teachers and me is going to be that I am going to use technology way more than they did.

HIV in Africa

There has been dramatic increase in the number of children infected by HIV virus. Despite tons of innovations in technology and socio-cultural areas, why does it keep to increase? Here is the result*:

*Data from World Bank (!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=sh_hiv_0014&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=country&idim=country:KEN:NGA:ZAF&ifdim=country&tstart=655333200000&tend=876258000000&hl=en_US&dl=en_US&ind=false)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Same sex marriages - Iceland

I have tried to find any statistics in this area from Turkey however I only found from Iceland. Here is result:

Chapter 1

Teaching is a job that demands lots of different skills together. Today, there are literacy skills that depend on mostly technology. Therefore, prospective teachers should have necessary abilities to comprehend this technology oriented skills. According to chapter we studied last week, I saw variety of these skills. Fortunately, I am capable of dealing with possible problems because I grew up learning those skills. The literacy skills that mentioned in the chapter are not too difficult to learn and apply to the teaching field because any teacher can reach any time via internet and they can learn and practice those skills easily. For prospective teachers, there is no need to be worry about it because most of them will have already experienced those skills before they are teacher.