Wednesday, October 8, 2014

HIV in Africa

There has been dramatic increase in the number of children infected by HIV virus. Despite tons of innovations in technology and socio-cultural areas, why does it keep to increase? Here is the result*:

*Data from World Bank (!ctype=l&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=h&met_y=sh_hiv_0014&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&rdim=country&idim=country:KEN:NGA:ZAF&ifdim=country&tstart=655333200000&tend=876258000000&hl=en_US&dl=en_US&ind=false)


  1. This is no sign of good. I think government should immediately step in and try to decelerate the continuum. By the way, this is a very interesting topic you have choosen. People should know more about this kind of issues.

    1. Yeah people in Turkey or in Europe seems to have forgotten HIV however, it's still more dangereous than EBOLA

  2. Hi selim. I think the main cause of this increase is because of people who don't have any knowledge about HIV. If people knew about how dangerous it can be, people would have been more careful about this subject. Thank you for chosing this topic and make us have a more clear look on this important subject.
