Thursday, October 23, 2014

Smmry of DDL

TBL (task-based learning) Task-based language learning is an approach which was developed in the 1980s by the Indian language teaching specialist N.S. Prabhu. TBL is based on the idea that the acquisition of language and linguistic competence as well as language and language learning awareness can best be realized through tasks which encourage the learner not to focus explicitly on the structure and the rules of the new language. AIM OF DATA DRIVEN LEARNING The principal aim of all teaching activities must be the creation of a learning environment in which learners are asked to carry out authentic tasks. Providing the appropriate data, organized into suitable units of information and supported by relevant processes must be the foremost task of educational design of any kind of language learning and teaching resource in order to contribute to the success of any learning situation. The traditional transmission model of learning must be replaced by models which emphasis information processing and knowledge construction as acts of learning most suited to the acquisition of the kind of skills needed for the knowledge society. In addition to the undeniable need to achieve instructional goals, the development of cognitive and strategic abilities suitable for the knowledge society is defined as one of the principle aims of a learning process based on knowledge construction and discovery learning.

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